Our special effort to reach out to our community with God’s word is this Sunday. “Back to School/Back to Worship” has been what we’ve been calling this effort. But what is a “special effort?”
I’ve been preaching for over 40 years and have seen the effectiveness of ‘special efforts’ rise and fall. We’ve had “Gospel Meetings”, seminars, ‘attendance drives’, and many other such like things. There are several reasons for the rise and fall of such special efforts.
One thing that affects the effectiveness of efforts of this kind is that our culture is changing. Things just aren’t the same as they used to be, in case you haven’t noticed. Life is rushing by for so many people. Technology has changed almost everything around us. People are pursuing more out of life but are not really finding the satisfaction they seek.
Another thing that affects the effectiveness of such efforts is our own attitude toward them. We have heard that the time of the gospel meeting has passed. Maybe that has some truth to it. Not many people know what you are talking about when you tell them we are having a “gospel meeting.” That’s because not many people actually know what the gospel is. Therefore we conclude that not many people are really interested in attending a “gospel meeting” or a “Special Effort.” That’s where we are wrong. Statistics show very clearly that people in our society today are searching more and more for spiritual fulfillment. They want to have something better in their lives. They are looking for answers and they are looking for God.
We have those answers. We have that ‘something better’ that people are looking for. We can offer through the Lord’s church the spiritually fulfilling life that people want. People may not know what a ‘gospel meeting’ or ‘special emphasis day’ is all about but they know when someone cares enough to ask them to come learn more about what God has to offer in - and for - their lives. They know when someone cares for them.
You see, the effectiveness of any special effort is directly proportional to how much effort we put into it. Be concerned about your own spiritual development and invite others to do the same - not just this Sunday but continually. When we grow individually, the church grows collectively. We must realize that we are having a “gospel meeting” every Lord’s Day when the Good News of Jesus is being taught and preached. Let’s share it with everyone we can. Let’s reach out because we really care. God did … and still does.
See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.
Love, Tony
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