Following their liberation from Egypt, the Israelites continually did things that tried God’s patience, to say the least. Finally, they gradually descended into idolatry and began to forget Jehovah. In the closing pages of the Old Testament we find the prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and
Malachi calling for the renewal of zeal to rebuild. Ezra and Nehemiah emerge as leaders to guide God’s people in rebuilding themselves at Jerusalem - spiritually by Ezra and physically by Nehemiah.
We, as God’s people today, must note what happened to the Jews - God’s chosen - as they allowed themselves to be swallowed up by culture and society around them. We, the church, are in like jeopardy if we do not recognize some of the same symptoms today.
- They desired to have what those around them had.
- They desired to live as those around them lived.
- They failed to maintain their relationship with God.
- They forgot the great things God had done for and with them.
- They failed to teach their children the laws of God.
- They forgot the laws / word of Jehovah.
- They became indistinguishable from those around them.
There are politicians who talk about “re-inventing” the government. There are some in the church today who want to “re-invent” the church - worship, organization, policy(?), etc. It is not re-inventing that we need in government. It is renewal of commitment to the principles that made this country great in the first place. Nor do we need to re-invent the church. We must, rather, commit to a renewal of fidelity to what God has given us - the pattern and process of the church described in the New Testament.
“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds. That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” - Romans 12:2
See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.
Love, Tony
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