Sunday, December 6, 2009

One Of A Kind

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Those are the words of John 3:16. The phrase “only begotten” can mean “one of a kind.” Thus this verse contains the basis for the uniqueness of Christianity, which, also, is one of a kind - unique.

Christianity is unique among the religions of the world because it began with a worldwide concept. God as the God of all nations prophesied in the promise given to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that all nations would be blessed in his seed. The fulfillment of that prophecy is referred to in the New Testament in Galatians 3:16 stating the “seed” is Jesus, the Christ. Many other prophecies in the Old Testament, fulfilled in the New Testament, speak of the universal nature of Christianity. These include the time, place, and manner of the birth of Jesus and the beginning of Christianity.

Christianity is unique also because it is the only religion based upon a resurrected savior. Again, it was prophesied in the Old Testament that the Messiah, or Savior, to come would be put to death but would rise from the dead. The basis for Christianity and the hope Christians have rest on the fact that Jesus did not stay dead but came forth from the tomb and for fifty days was seen by His disciples and others. His resurrection means that He still lives and will return one day to claim His own.

Christianity is unique because of the hope offered to all who obey Jesus. It is not a material hope. It is the hope (confident expectation) of eternal life with Him. Other religions offer different kinds of reward after death. Christianity offers peace in this life based upon our hope in life to come.

In His love for the world, God made provisions that we could be His children and live with Him forever in heaven. It behooves us to know His word in order to be prepared for that life. You see, Christians are to be “unique” also. Peter writes in 1 Peter 2:9 that Christians are “a peculiar people:” (KJV); “His own special people” (NKJV); “a people for God’s own possession” (NASV); “a people belonging to God” (NIV). The word denoting “peculiar”, “special”, and “possession” are from the word that indicates the uniqueness that a Christian belongs only to God. It involves the special relationship that we, as Christians, have with God. It makes it personal. In God’s love, He owns us. Therein lies a big difference between Christianity and most of the religions of the world whose gods are indifferent and unapproachable.

See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.

Love, Tony

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