Sunday, July 12, 2009

Overcoming Unbelief

In Mark 9:17-29 is an account of Jesus casting out a demon from a man’s son. This man had asked, “But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” Jesus replied, “’If You can!’ All things are possible to him who believes.” The response from the boy’s father was imploring and with tears he said, “I do believe; help my unbelief.

How often have you felt like that? Don’t we frequently look at what others are doing or have done and think to ourselves, “I know I (or we) could do that.” or, “We should be able to do that.” But, what keeps us from fulfilling our potential or reaching goals? We have the desire. We believe in God. We know that God has given increase and promises to do so for us. We accept the power of God. What, then, keeps us (either personally or as a congregation) from our goals or potential?

Could it be that we have developed what might be called an ‘intellectual faith’? Do we “believe” with our mind but not trust with our heart? The man whose son was possessed very likely had heard of Jesus’ miracles and perhaps had seen some. But this was his son involved. He was emotionally involved in this case. He knew what he had heard and seen but what if his son was too far gone? What if Jesus was unable to help this time? After all, the disciples couldn’t do it ( v 18). Doubts and fears gripped him now. He had ‘intellectual faith’ but could he really trust?

We are a Bible-believing people. Yet, sometimes it is difficult to really be a God-trusting people. We look at what has been done and what we want to do and read “all things are possible to him what believes.” But-- Can I … or Can We…? Perhaps it is time we as individuals and as a congregation cry out with tears, “Lord, help our unbelief.”

See you when the Saints meet, Lord willing.

Love, Tony

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