It’s great to be around a group of people who are positive, isn’t it? And that is just what the church is. With so many negative things happening around us every day, it is refreshing to be able to gather with those who have a positive outlook on life. And if anyone should have a positive outlook on life, Christians should. That’s what attracted people to the church in the first century and it is what will attract people to the church today. Let me share some positive things about the church here that should cause each of us to have a positive outlook.
One positive thing about the church here is the friendliness people find when they visit. Visitors are impressed when people are willing to greet them warmly and let them know we are happy they chose to be with us in worship. That is what makes people want to come back again. And the key factor in that is YOU making a positive impression.
Another positive thing I want to mention is your generous nature. The recent “Sack the Preacher” campaign to help replenish our pantry brought in over sixty bags of groceries. Our contribution frequently exceeds our budget. And I frequently have seen your generosity shown in so many ways not only in a monetary sense but in giving your time and energy to get things done that need doing.
Keep up the good work. Strive to be even better. Be positive about being a Christian, a member of the Body of Christ, His church. Let others know that being on your way to heaven is the greatest thing you can have. And you know what? Others will want to join you on that journey You can help show them the way.
I leave you with Paul’s words to the Christians at Thessalonica in 1 Thessalonians 1:2, 3 when he says, “We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father…”
It’s a real pleasure for me to say ...
See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.
Love, Tony
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