Sunday, February 22, 2009

“...consider one another to provoke unto love and good works…”

I am convinced that the church will grow beyond our imagination when we, as individual Christians, can mature spiritually to fulfill the admonition above taken from Hebrews 10:24.

This is one reason we need to make individual contact with people. We need to reach out, not just to “unchurched” people, but to edify ourselves, to “build one another up in the most Holy Faith” (Jude 20).

The word “provoke” in the above passage means “to stimulate or incite for good.” It also means “stir up.” Most of us realize this. However, I think we probably fail to realize the full meaning of the word “consider.” The Greek word carries the thought of giving careful attention toward someone in order to stimulate or show concern. It denotes continuous care.

There are many ways we can consider one another to show this concern. Let us give ourselves over to the purpose of building this congregation into the closest group of people on earth. If we are concerned with love and good works, we will do it.

For that reason, we need to be a visiting congregation. We need to visit one another and we need to visit others we can influence for Christ. The early church reached out to each other and to the world around them. We will grow if we do the same.

We have an excellent opportunity here to reach out to let people know we care. Encourage each other to attend worship and Bible classes….and encourage your friends and neighbors to attend with you. Bring a friend on Wednesday evening in time to share a meal with them and then enjoy Bible study. Show people you know that you care enough to invite them to be a part of something great.

Let’s take the time to reach out to those around us and reach in to ourselves.

Our children enjoy belting out the “Booster” song. Maybe we can take a lesson from them.

Booster, booster, be a booster.
Don’t be grouchy like a rooster.
Booster, booster, be a booster,
And boost God’s Family here.

Okay, I changed it a little, but you get the message.

See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.

Love, Tony

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Positive Gospel

Norman Vincent Peale became well known because of his books and speeches on positive thinking. Many people have been helped by his promotion of positive thinking. Some years ago I had the opportunity to hear him and other motivational speakers at one of those positive
thinking rallies.

Many times we find ourselves in situations when all seems lost. Things just don’t seem to be going our way. We begin thinking negatively. That’s when heroes are made. That’s when one person comes forward and says, “We can do it..” One person with positive thinking can change the whole situation.

It might help us to stop and think about how we view things in our lives. We lose some of life’s battles by looking only on the negative side. Thomas Edison, when asked about how many times he failed to make his electric light work, responded by saying that at least he knew of hundreds of things that would not work.

Paul was in prison when he said in Philippians 1:12-14, “But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.That’s thinking positively!

And think about Joseph. He kept a positive attitude during his long ordeal and then told his brothers that it was God’s plan that he be in Egypt in order to save his family. Now that’s a positive attitude! He had every reason to be negative about his being sold as a slave but He kept his trust in God and remained positive.

Books are written and rallies with big-name speakers are presented about positive thinking. I enjoyed the one I attended. And yet - I have found nothing that promotes a more positive attitude than the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Everything about the gospel and living a Christian life is approached by God in a positive way. It offers the greatest satisfaction and peace of mind. It holds out hope. It builds better relationships. It promotes love and harmony. It delivers from evil. Jesus has promised an abundant life. He promised a positive outcome to this life if we follow Him and do God’s will. There is nothing negative about heaven.

Think about these things and keep a positive attitude.

See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.

Love, Tony

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Poland Trip for 2009 (May 23 - June 12)

Our next team to go to Poland to teach in the Sopot International Bible Institute is Treva and myself, and Don, Pam, and Heather Jesch. The Jesches are excited about being a part in this work and I know they will be valuable in teaching and relating to the students there.

The airfare is a little more this year but the exchange rate in Poland is a bit better than last year. We need your help for us to go. The total cost including airfare, food, lodging, and other necessary expenses for three weeks is $2,300 per person for a total of $11,500. With money we are supplying from personal funds, our needs will be $1,500 each or a total of $7,500. Our immediate need is to pay for our airline tickets which have already been purchased and cost about $8,700 for all five round-trip tickets including insurance.

Other than asking for your contributions of money, we are doing some things to help raise some of the expenses. Several of you have already been bringing your aluminum cans for us to recycle. Of course, this will not amount to a large amount of money, but many don’t realize how much a little helps. For example, taxi fare from the airport in Gdansk to Sopot costs about $50. Maybe we can pay for that with those aluminum cans, so to speak.

Also, the Jesches have agreed to ‘host’ a garage sale at their house at the end of March or the first part of April. You can help by looking around your house for things you no longer need or want but that you think will sell and let us know. We will see to it that they will be picked up if you cannot deliver them. We really don’t need clothing. If you have any questions about any items let us know.

Something else I ask you to pray about and consider in your own personal circumstances is that we are trying to help the Dawidows raise enough money to finish the building that has been under construction for twenty years. Mike, as well as being a graduate of Sunset School of Preaching, also has a degree in Civil Engineering and has overseen all phases of this construction but they have only been able to continue as funds have been available. To bring this building to its completion will take about $30-35,000.00. To one individual that is quite a sum of money. But in reality it is not an enormous amount - unless of course when it isn’t there to complete what is necessary. If you can help with this or have any questions about it, please let me know. Any money given goes into an account through the church here. All funds go into an account that is shared by the team. Checks can be made out to the Dewey church of Christ and is tax eductible. Any money above our expenses will be used for future team expenses or miscellaneous needs for the work there.

We keep a record of expenses and give a report to the elders, since the church here supports the Dawidows through our budget.

Remember, this effort is to help our students to read and understand the Bible for themselves.

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and financial support.

See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.

Love, Tony

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Way That Seems Right

It looks safe. It’s the kind of ice you can’t see. Then the tires begin to slide just a little. Instinctively, you apply the brakes but that doesn't stop you. You turn the steering wheel but that doesn’t help. A sudden feeling of helplessness makes your heart beat faster. There are cars in front of you, behind you, coming toward you in the other lane, and an embankment on the side of the road. You try to remember all the safe driving tips you have learned. Just tap the brakes. Steer into the slide. Then, thankfully, because you were travelling slowly, the car stops. Others have seen your situation and they have slowed even more so they can stop. You are thankful that you were listening to the radio with the announcer regularly reporting the icy conditions and warning against the invisible danger on the road.

Slowly you ease your car once again into the flow of traffic and continue on your way with even more caution, thankful you remembered the actions to take.

Sound familiar? Has it happened to you? It has to me….on more than one occasion.

Not only has that happened on the ice but it has in my life. When I’m not paying close enough attention to the conditions around me, I take for granted that nothing will happen. I am in control. Then I begin to slide...just a little. What do I do?

At times like this I am reminded of the words of the prophet in Jeremiah 10:23, “I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not in himself, Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.” and Solomon’s words in Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25, “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Think about that ice again. What if you were going just a little too fast to make the needed corrections? That happened so some. I saw a car turned over down an embankment.

Think about your Spiritual life. Are you travelling with enough caution to recognize dangers? Can you draw on what you have learned to make the necessary corrections? Are you listening to the One who is warning of the unseen dangers that can cause us to begin sliding?

Jesus says, “Come unto me….take my yoke upon you and learn of me.” Jesus says, “I am the way…” His Way teaches us to be cautious in life because Satan is trying to make things as slippery as he can. And he tries to make it so you can’t see it until it’s too late.

Interesting what a little ice can make you think about, isn’t it?

See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.

Love, Tony

Who Is Tony Lalli - Brief Bio By His Sons