This is one reason we need to make individual contact with people. We need to reach out, not just to “unchurched” people, but to edify ourselves, to “build one another up in the most Holy Faith” (Jude 20).
The word “provoke” in the above passage means “to stimulate or incite for good.” It also means “stir up.” Most of us realize this. However, I think we probably fail to realize the full meaning of the word “consider.” The Greek word carries the thought of giving careful attention toward someone in order to stimulate or show concern. It denotes continuous care.
There are many ways we can consider one another to show this concern. Let us give ourselves over to the purpose of building this congregation into the closest group of people on earth. If we are concerned with love and good works, we will do it.
For that reason, we need to be a visiting congregation. We need to visit one another and we need to visit others we can influence for Christ. The early church reached out to each other and to the world around them. We will grow if we do the same.
We have an excellent opportunity here to reach out to let people know we care. Encourage each other to attend worship and Bible classes….and encourage your friends and neighbors to attend with you. Bring a friend on Wednesday evening in time to share a meal with them and then enjoy Bible study. Show people you know that you care enough to invite them to be a part of something great.
Let’s take the time to reach out to those around us and reach in to ourselves.
Our children enjoy belting out the “Booster” song. Maybe we can take a lesson from them.
Booster, booster, be a booster.
Don’t be grouchy like a rooster.
Booster, booster, be a booster,
And boost God’s Family here.
Okay, I changed it a little, but you get the message.
See you when the saints meet, Lord willing.
Love, Tony